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PURPOSE OF THIS EVALUATION SYSTEM: This secure Internet-based evaluation system is designed to provide detailed clinical information on gastrointestinal health problems and related factors of health importance. The evaluations conducted with this system provide the health professionals in this clinic with a detailed picture of the current symptoms and other relevant health-related information of importance, through use a set of validated questionnaires provided by he Rome Foundation, the leading organization defining disorders of gut-brain interaction. This may be of value for enhance understanding of your health problems and to help guide decisions about treatment, as well as to give a clearer picture of the progress of your symptoms. At the same time, your anonymous data will be combined with data from other patients in this clinic and in other clinics to enhance research on gastrointestinal disorders. Note: You should not complete an evaluation using this web page unless you have provided written or verbal consent to participate in this online clinical and research evaluation system. Participation in this evaluation system is optional.

WHO IS DOING THESE EVALUATIONS: This Internet-based evaluation is conducted by the health professionals in this clinic, as a part of an international research collaboration between prominent gastrointestinal clinics and research centers around the world that are members of the research network of Rome Foundation Research Institute.